Elderly Health, Happy & Healthy

               At present, the country is entering an aging society due to the decline in birth rates, and people’s life expectancy is getting longer. And while the elderly has the highest number of people among other age groups, at the same time the population of oldest-old people is higher than youngest-old people resulting in a gradual rise in the number and ratio of older people. Especially the older people. The problem of the increasing number of elderly people is expected to be intensifying. Even if they’re older than 60 years old, their bodies will be changed by their natural state of mind. Therefore, the elderly must place importance on taking care of their health to have a strong quality of life and avoid the probabilities of various diseases, including reviving their health when the conditions of diseases start to show and controlling them to avoid relapses.

            The student group recognizes its importance and organizes the project “Happy elderly aging with quality” to promote providing knowledge to the elderly in taking care of their own health and living happily in managing their own lives to live in a society with quality, happiness, and benefits to themselves.